Charity News

Our dream team is back in action
Renate and Siegi are in their element.Another aid convoy for Ukraine is being prepared together with the Flame of Peace.

Charity tennis tournament for Lilly
Charity tennis tournament for Lilly This year, Harald Hauk and his team once again collected money for Lilly at a charity tennis tournament in Lower

Emergency aid for a Catholic kindergarten in Germany
Following the devastating storms in Germany, the Order of St Stanislaus has launched an emergency aid programme. Toys such as Playmobiles and Barbies were donated

Aid to Croatia
After the devastating earthquakes in Croatia, our volunteers immediately set off for Croatia. Relief supplies such as food, hygiene articles and pet food were distributed

Charitable and uniting nations
The Thai Festival of our Dame Sophida Chanvichai Krause lays the foundation for a further step in our Order.A delegation from the Order of St

15 hours on the road to help others
15 hours on the road Mr Siegfried Wernbacher was on the road again on behalf of the Flame of Peace and the Order of St