The charity stand moved on
The charity stand moved on and made a stop at the Festival of the Association Phuenthai in Austria สมาคมเพื่อนไทยในออสเตรีย at Neugebäude Castle.This charity event marks

True superheroes wear red coats
Chivalrous winter fun in Wolfsberg! The Order of St. Stanislaus visited the Contraste-WGs children’s and youth residential community and gave the little ones unforgettable winter

Charitable and uniting nations
Charitable and uniting nations The Thai Festival of our Dame Sophida Chanvichai Krause lays the foundation for a further step in our Order. A delegation

We are the official partner of the Easter Bunny for 2024
Three organisations – one mission! Across all associations, act. Prior Thomas Schatz and our Knights of the Carinthian delegation, together with the President of Soldiers

Easter Charity in Lower Austria
Our annual easter charity in Lower Austria ….Many visitors and members from our priories were guests at the Ritterkölla of our Lower Austrian priory today!‘We

Our dream team is back in action
Renate and Siegi are in their element.Another aid convoy for Ukraine is being prepared together with the Flame of Peace.