Anniversary of the death of Saint Stanislaus
On the anniversary of the death of Saint Stanislaus, our knights in Carinthia organised a memorial service at a place steeped in history.The Polish King
The first investiture of Curitiba Priory was a complete success
Aus Florianopolis reisten der Großprior Brasiliens Seine Exzellenz Peter Feist und aus Österreich als Vertretung des Großkanzlers reiste Seine Exzellenz Joseph Reichsfreiherr von Ritter zu
Investvestiture in Poland
Investitur des Großpriorat Posen des Królewski Order Świętego Stanisława Biskupa Męczennika. Zu Gast in Posen war Dr. Alexander Graff de Pancsova, Großkanzler des Ordens mit
Charity tennis tournament for Lilly
Charity tennis tournament for Lilly This year, Harald Hauk and his team once again collected money for Lilly at a charity tennis tournament in Lower
Emergency aid for a Catholic kindergarten in Germany
Following the devastating storms in Germany, the Order of St Stanislaus has launched an emergency aid programme. Toys such as Playmobiles and Barbies were donated
Aid to Croatia
After the devastating earthquakes in Croatia, our volunteers immediately set off for Croatia. Relief supplies such as food, hygiene articles and pet food were distributed