Aid to Croatia
After the devastating earthquakes in Croatia, our volunteers immediately set off for Croatia. Relief supplies such as food, hygiene articles and pet food were distributed
A sign of peace and togetherness
This was organised by two associations in Serbia. Our Serbian Grand Prior under the leadership of H.E. Dame Ivana McCann invited to Mladenovac, Belgrade. Our
A mobile symbol of Peace for Tyrol
Ein mobiles Friedenssymbol für Tirol Die Flame of Peace zeichnete Tiroler Schulen mit dem „Gütesiegel für Friedensschulen“ aus. Werte wie ein friedliches Miteinander und Füreinander
Corpus Christi
Seit beinahe zwei Jahrzehnten dürfen die Damen und Ritter des St. Stanislaus Ordens unseren Kardinal Christoph am Fronleichnamsfest beim „großen Stadtumgang“ begleiten. Nach der Messe
A new Grand Prior for Italy
Sending our congratulations to the newly appointed Grand Prior of Italy, H.E. Principe Francesco Casciaro. We wish you great success in your new position.
A new Grand Prior for Italy
Sending our congratulations to the newly appointed Grand Prior of Italy, H.E. Principe Francesco Casciaro. We wish you great success in your new position.