Besser kann man doch gar nicht in ein Arbeitsjahr starten. Zu den Klängen unseres Ritters Johann Strauß, wurde der 76. Ball der Offiziere eröffnet und

Investiture in Wroclaw
Our dear sisters and brothers of the Królewski Order Świętego Stanisława Biskupa Męczennika met at the beautiful cathedral of Wroclaw for a solemn investiture. Congratulations

A last goodbye
It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Dame Mervyn Redding, a former Grand Prior of the Priory of Great

Christmas Mass
On Christmas Eve, the Patrona Bavariae lit up several places of worship, including the monastery church of the Brothers of Mercy – Austrian Province of

Thailand is getting ready
One year of intensive preparations already lies behind us. Among other things, our Grand Chancellor met with the Thai ambassador in Vienna to present the

The Tradition of St. Nicholas
In the Alpine region, Saint Nicholas traditionally comes on 6th December to praise children for their good deeds. However, Saint Nicholas does not come alone.